Naw…Tyson Beckford says him and Kim Kardashian did hook up!

Tyson Beckford and Kim Kardashian had a brief fallout back in 2018. Beckford commented about Kim’s body on a show and the reality TV star later called him out for that. Beckford now revealed that Kanye West confronted him over the exchange that he had with his soon to be ex-wife Kim Kardashian back in 2018.


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Kanye West confronted Tyson Beckford

Back in 2018, Tyson Beckford commented on a post shared by The Shade Room about Kim Kardashian. Tyson commented that the reality star’s body job was botched and that her doctor had not fixed her right hip properly. Kim later called out Beckford and said that he did not like what he saw because he was gay.

Recently, Tyson Beckford on Let’s Go Live! with Sharon Carpenter revealed that Kanye West confronted him over the brief exchange with Kim Kardashian back in 2018. He said that he was attending Ralph Lauren’s 50th-anniversary party where he met Kanye West and they had an unusual interaction. Beckford said that he was standing between Oprah Winfrey and Hillary Clinton when he saw Kanye. Beckford explained that he tried to make eye contact with the rapper but he wouldn’t look at him. Later that evening, Beckford alleged that one of Kanye’s entourage followed him to the washroom on his command. Tyson also said that Kanye also confronted him on Instagram, 2 weeks later.


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